BBC’s hit reality show The Apprentice has always been known for its high-stakes business challenges and intense competition. However, in its latest season, viewers were also treated to a heartwarming story of love and friendship between two contestants – Harpreet Kaur and Akshay Thakrar.
Harpreet Kaur, a 29-year-old digital marketing manager, emerged as the winner of The Apprentice and walked away with a £250,000 investment from Lord Alan Sugar. But her victory was not the only highlight of her journey on the show. The budding entrepreneur also formed a strong bond with her co-star Akshay Thakrar, a 32-year-old sales manager.
In a recent interview with BBC, Harpreet opened up about her relationship with Akshay and how their friendship blossomed on the show. She shared that they immediately clicked when they first met during the audition process. “We both come from similar backgrounds and have a similar work ethic. We just got along really well,” Harpreet said.
Their friendship only grew stronger as they tackled the tough business challenges together. Despite being competitors, they always supported and encouraged each other. “We were always there for each other, whether it was giving a pep talk before a task or helping each other out during the tasks. Our friendship was genuine and it only got stronger as the show progressed,” Harpreet added.
Their strong bond was also noticed by their fellow contestants and even Lord Sugar himself. During the final boardroom, Lord Sugar commented on their friendship and said, “I’ve never seen two contestants get on so well in the history of The Apprentice. It’s a pleasure to see such camaraderie between you two.”
But it was not just their friendship that caught the attention of viewers. Rumors of a romantic relationship between Harpreet and Akshay started circulating on social media, especially after they were seen holding hands in one of the episodes. However, the two have always maintained that they are just good friends.
In the interview, Harpreet addressed the speculations and said, “Akshay and I have a great friendship and we have a lot of respect for each other. We understand that people might think there’s something more between us because of our chemistry, but we are just really good friends.”
She also added that their friendship has remained strong even after the show ended. Harpreet and Akshay have been working on a business venture together and are excited to see where their partnership takes them.
When asked about her plans for the future, Harpreet shared that she is focused on growing her business and making it a success. She also hopes to use her platform as The Apprentice winner to inspire other young women to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams.
Harpreet’s story is truly inspiring and her bond with Akshay is a testament to the fact that competition does not have to come at the cost of friendship. Their friendship has not only warmed the hearts of viewers but also serves as a reminder that having a strong support system is essential in achieving success.
As for Akshay, he also expressed his pride in Harpreet’s win and their friendship. He said, “Harpreet is a deserving winner and I am so happy for her. Our friendship is something that I will always cherish and I am grateful for the opportunity to have met her on The Apprentice.”
The Apprentice has always been known for showcasing the cutthroat world of business, but Harpreet and Akshay’s friendship has added a new dimension to the show. Their camaraderie and support for each other have not only made them winners in the eyes of viewers but also in the game of life.
In conclusion, Harpreet Kaur and Akshay Thakrar are not just business partners, but also great friends who have shown that true success is not just about winning a competition, but also about forming genuine connections and supporting each other on the journey. We wish them all the best in their future endeavors and hope to see more strong friendships and partnerships like theirs in the business world.